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Yakkabog (rus. Jakkabak) in the Qashqadaryo region

17. infantry regiment and 6. light artillery regiment of the 6. infantry division stationed there in 1942. A reserve centre and a school for youth was organised there too. When stationing there, 16 people perished in the town. The cemetery was fenced in 1998, and then restored in 2001, thanks to efforts of the Council for the Protection of Remembrance of Struggle and Martyrdom.

Geographical coordinates: 38° 58' 39.02" N 66° 41' 10.19" N (38.97750436945025, 66.68616466622845)

The buried


Kpr. Baran Stefan - ? 1917, Czeremno, p. Równe; 10 VII 1942

Ks. kap. Chorobieński Jan-20 X 1906, Jakubów, p. Jędrzejów, 26 II 1942

Szer. Dybizbański Hieronim -25IX 1909,Kosaczyn,p. Środa; 2 VIII 1942

Kan. Gomala Stanisław - 7 IV 1899, Tychów, p. Łódź; 14 VIII 1942

Strz. Hus Franciszek - 15 VIII 1923, Doliniany, p. Rohatyn; 1 VII 1942

Strz. Kopta Stefan - 26 VIII 1922, Krzesowice, p. Kraków; 25 VII 1942

Strz. Partula Piotr -12 VI1914, Sobiecin, p. Jarosław; 22 II 1942

Bomb. Pisarek Bronisław - 29 X 1912, Tomaszów, p. Warszawa; 16 VII 1942

Strz. Portuła Piotr -12 VI1914, Sobiecin, p. Jarosław; 22 IV 1942

Mjr Pruszyński Stanisław-? 1889, ?; 21 IV 1942

Ogn. Rogoziński Bolesław - ? 1901, Tuchów, p. Tarnów; 5 VIII 1942

Strz. Rogoziński Stefan -15IV 1905, Budzyń, p. Bydgoszcz; 17 VIII 1942

Kan. Siwko Michał-? 1910, Ryga, Łotwa; 6 VII 1942

Kan. Szydlik Bronisław - ? 1904, Łąsuchowo, p. Ostrów Mazowiecki; 11 VIII 1942

Strz. Wawro Franciszek-?, ?; 4 VIII 1942

Strz. Zinkiewicz Józef- ?, ?; 8 VIII 1942


Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk
Władysław Bartoszewski square 1, 80-862 Gdańsk

tel.: +48 58 323 75 20


Sybir Memorial Museum
Węglowa 1 street, 15-121 Białystok

tel.: + 48 85 672 36 01


Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tashkent
Firdavsiy Street 66, 100084, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

tel.: +998 78 120 86 51

