18. Infantry Regiment of the 6. Infantry Division was stationed there in the first half of 1942. According to sources, no less than 11 soldiers died then. They were buried in designated quarters on a local Orthodox cemetery. In 2001, thanks to the efforts of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom, the cemetery quarters were restored.
Corporal Dawid Beatus l. 39
Platoon-leaders Antoni Brysz l. 42
Rifleman Ludwik Hadała l. 22
Rifleman Kazimierz Kliński l. 29
Corporal Stanisław Miszkiewicz l. 24
Rifleman Michał Murdzek l. 44
Rifleman Józef Jan Opora l. 37
Rifleman Jan Skomiał l. 22
Rifleman Konrad Staszek l. 23
Rifleman Paweł Stróżak l. 28
Rifleman Antoni Szyrwiel l. 28
tel.: +48 58 323 75 20
e-mail: sekretariat@muzeum1939.pl
tel.: + 48 85 672 36 01
e-mail: sekretariat@sybir.bialystok.pl
tel.: +998 78 120 86 51